Meditation guidelines for beginners

Meditation is one of the fundamentals of Inite's gameplay. If you are not yet familiar with this experience, we recommend reading this short guide. Below we will tell you how to meditate not only to p

Meditation is one of the fundamentals of Inite's gameplay. If you are not yet familiar with this experience, we recommend reading this short guide. Below we will tell you how to meditate not only to progress in the game and earn tokens but also to feel the positive effects of meditation in real life.

Why meditate?

Meditation is one of the world's top ways to normalize mental health and improve thought processes. Its effectiveness has been tested for thousands of years, and its physiological effects on the brain have been proved by hundreds of scientific studies.

Meditation literally "cleanses" the brain. By focusing on a single object, you detach yourself from intrusive thoughts and automatism, and the mind becomes more straightforward. In parallel, your concentration skills, which are necessary for productive activity, grow. You become more aware of your emotions and the very nature of your thoughts. Your nervous system becomes balanced, and you find it easier to cope with stress and negative attitudes. These positive changes are recorded at the physiological level. According to many studies, regular meditators develop the prefrontal cortex: the very gray matter responsible for mental processes. Learn a bit about those researches in Inite blog.

And Inite invites you to use it to your advantage. While players get their rewards not for meditations but for the ideas they write down afterward, the process itself is worth your attention. You'll quickly see how your creativity increases and how quickly new insights are born!

How to meditate?

In fact, there is no definite answer to this question. In the classical sense, meditation is a calm, dispassionate concentration on something particular: such as breathing or reciting affirmations and mantras. However, this technique has been adapted by so many different movements that you can easily choose a practice to suit your needs. Some meditation approaches are for relaxing and resetting the mind. Some are for redirecting your mind in the proper direction. Some are for attaining the higher states of consciousness that esotericists and religious schools worldwide seek.

Several interesting techniques that focus directly on thinking are listed on Inite's blog.

Here we offer you the most basic meditation instruction you can do daily without training or effort.

Set a calm atmosphere

Meditation requires the absence of noise and distractions. Experienced practitioners often set up a separate place for meditation where it's easier for them to tune in. Such attributes as candles, aroma sticks, inspiring pictures, and a comfortable pillow will help you. But if you're not going into such details, just silence will suffice. Put your phone on silent mode so you won't be distracted by notifications.

Sit up straight

Of course, different meditation techniques can be performed by sitting, standing, or even walking. But still, the standard approach implies sitting with a straight back: that way, your body is not overstressed but also not too relaxed. In addition, a straight posture directly affects head circulation. To make it more comfortable, it's better to sit on a cushion or a yoga mat. However, you can also meditate in an armchair, as long as you don't lean on it. Don't strain your back: choose a posture that makes it easier for you to maintain it without too much effort.

Close or half-close your eyes

This is to make sure that external objects do not disrupt your attention. However, you can keep your eyes open if you want to focus on something visual: for example, nature or a burning candle. In the second case, look at the chosen object without distraction throughout the practice.

Set a timer

This helps you stay in meditation without the distraction of checking the clock. If you meditate with Inite, the app will notify you with a soft sound when you are finished.

Breathe deeply and evenly

Just observe how the air fills your lungs and then leaves them. If you want a break from intrusive thoughts, shift your focus to your breathing or a selected visual object whenever you catch yourself in them. If you want to optimize your mental processes rather than just switch, you can also try the practice of observing the mind: observe your thoughts but without emotional interference. Just pay attention to where they come from, what feelings they evoke, and how they change to others.

To think or not to think - the choice is yours!

Meditation, in the classical sense, is more about disconnecting from thoughts than thinking about something. But why put yourself in a box? Today's coaches often recommend meditation to focus on something important to yourself. Meditative techniques are great for considering a particular issue in detail, chanting gratitude, or visualizing plans. The main rule is that if you want to concentrate on a particular thought, keep your attention on it as much as possible.

Don't rush into action right after you finish

When the timer ends its report, don't immediately frantically check the notifications on your phone or rush to run errands. Stay in that relaxed state for a bit longer. This is the best time to take stock of your practice, observe your mind, and formulate ideas.

Repeat regularly

Meditation must become part of your daily routine to produce its full benefits. There's no need to chase records; it's better to meditate for five minutes every day than for half an hour once a week. Meditation time should be increased gradually. If even five minutes of stillness may seem challenging at first, you will want to extend the practice time yourself later.

Inite's goal is to help you create a healthy habit that will affect the quality of your entire life. Try it: there aren't that many easy ways to take care of your mental health!

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