How to play Inite?

Have you just installed Inite on your smartphone? Check out our detailed guide to the game mechanics!

Before the start

  • Download the Inite app. You can perform some actions on your computer through the web version, but meditations are only available in the mobile version.

  • Enable Inite access to your microphone and geolocation. You need the microphone to keep track of the noise level during meditation. Geolocation is to make it easier for you to sort ideas by the places where they came from.

  • Create a Near Wallet (if you don't already have one). After you follow the Create Account and Get Started steps inside the Inite app, you will be redirected to Select a security method. We recommend you choose Secure Passphrase or Ledger for the maximum safety of your funds. Write down your passphrase on a piece of paper and put it in a safe place. Don't show your password to anyone, and do not store it on electronic devices. Follow the next steps and get a wallet to which you will receive the earned tokens. Go to the Inite app and connect your crypto wallet via Proceed, Next, and Connect.

  • Purchase a device: a gaming NFT with which you will meditate, record ideas, and earn tokens. The characteristics of the selected device impact the gameplay and the number of tokens earned (see below).

  • Wait for the Energy setting to accumulate in your device. This is replenished by 50% every 12 hours: at 0:00 and 12:00 in your time zone. 1 energy = 5 minutes of meditation. The more devices you have, or the better they are boosted, the more often you will be able to join the game.

At play

When you are ready to play, follow these steps.

  • Go to the Inite app and select a device to use.

  • Take care of a quiet environment: you must perform your meditation in silence. The app monitors noise levels.

  • Tap the Meditate button. Choose how much time you would like to devote to meditation or thinking.

  • Set the phone aside. A countdown timer appears on the screen. Do not pick up the phone, or you will have to start meditation again.

  • Use this time to your advantage. You can meditate in the classical meaning or consider certain thoughts.

  • Stay in silence: the meditation will be interrupted if there is noise.

  • After you finish your meditation, write down the ideas that came into your head. These can be any insights, plans, words of gratitude, etc. Keep in mind that Inite checks each idea; to bring you tokens, it must be a meaningful text. Otherwise, the reward will be canceled or shortened. You get Idea tokens for each idea you record. The number of tokens depends on your NFT device level and on time invested in meditation (i.e., on the amount of energy spent). The estimated value of one Idea token will be about $1. The exact price depends on the situation in the crypto market. We advise you to re-read your ideas from time to time: many of them will turn out to be really functional!

NFT devices: purchase and repair

  • Each time you use a device in a game, its durability gradually decreases. Your savings are directly related to durability. So, if it drops below 50/100, the number of Idea tokens is reduced to 90%. After falling below the 10/100 mark, the accumulation is reduced to 10%. To maintain durability, you need to repair the device from time to time. To do this, go to the Inite home screen, select the device and click on Repair. Designate the number of Idea tokens you are willing to invest in the device

  • The durability also depends on the device level. The higher the level, the less often the device must be repaired.

  • You can also upgrade the NFT device to get more Idea tokens for each meditation. Click Upgrade on the device page and insert the preferred amount of Idea tokens. You will receive points, which you can allocate to attributes of your choice.

  • The more advanced your device is, the more money you can sell it to other players.

And soon, it will be possible to find like-minded people with similar ideas and create your own DAOs in Inite. Stay tuned!

Last updated